Projects Overview
Petratherm Limited (ASX: PTR) is a copper and critical minerals explorer focused on the discovery of world-class deposits in both frontier and mature mineral provinces.
PTR has a major project holding in the northern Gawler Craton of South Australia. Recent exploration has uncovered significant concentrations titanium rich heavy mineral sands (HMS) over large areas. The mineral sands are associated with the weathering of a major intrusive complex, the Muckanippie Suite, which has been found to be highly prospective for other critical minerals including Platinum Group Elements, Vanadium, and Titanium. This is an early-stage Greenfields project with exceptional upside potential.
In addition, the Company has two major exploration projects in the world-class Olympic Copper-Gold Province of South Australia. Work in the region has uncovered Iron-Oxide Copper-Gold style alteration/mineralisation at both its Mabel Creek and Woomera Project Areas. Geophysical targeting work has defined several compelling Tier-1 Copper-Gold targets.