Board & Management
Petratherm is lead by a highly experienced board and management team with a proven track record
Derek Carter
BSc, MSc, FAusIMM (CP)
Non-Executive Chairman
Derek Carter has over 40 years’ experience in exploration and mining geology and management. He held senior positions in the Shell Group of Companies where he was responsible for discovering the Los Santos tungsten deposit in Spain, and Burmine Ltd, before founding Minotaur Gold NL in 1993. He resigned as Chair of Minotaur Exploration Ltd in November 2016. He is the Chair of Hillgrove Resources Ltd, and former Chair of Highfield Resources Ltd (resigned May 2019). He also served on the Boards of Intrepid Mines Ltd (resigned November 2015) and Mithril Resources Ltd (resigned December 2014).
Mr Carter is a former President of the South Australian Chamber of Mines and Energy, former member of the Australian Gold Council and the South Australian Minerals and Energy Council. He is a member of the South Australian Minerals and Petroleum Experts Group. He was awarded AMEC’s Prospector of the Year Award (jointly) in 2003 for the discovery of the Prominent Hill copper-gold deposit, the AusIMM President’s Award and is a Centenary Medallist.
Simon O’Loughlin
BA (Acc), Law Society Certificate in Law
Non-Executive Director
Simon O’Loughlin is the founder of O’Loughlins Lawyers, an Adelaide based, specialist commercial law firm. He has extensive experience in the corporate and commercial law fields while practising in Sydney and Adelaide, and also holds accounting qualifications. Mr O’Loughlin is the non-executive chairman of Stellar Resources Limited and a non-executive director of Chesser Resources Limited and Bod Australia Limited.
Mr O’Loughlin has extensive experience and involvement with companies in the small industrial and resources sectors. He has also been involved in the listing and back-door listing of numerous companies on the ASX. He is a former Chairman of the Taxation Institute of Australia (SA Division) and Save the Children Fund (SA Division).
Donald Stephens
BA (Acc), CA
Non-Executive Director
Mr. Stephens has over 25 years’ experience in the accounting, mining and services industries, including 14 years as a partner of HLB Mann Judd (SA), a firm of Chartered Accountants. He is a Chartered Accountant and corporate adviser specialising in small cap ASX listed entities.
Mr. Stephens is a former director of Odin Metals Limited (formerly Lawson Gold Limited) (resigned February 2018), Mithril Resources Ltd (resigned May 2019) and Gooroo Ventures Limited (resigned January 2020).
Simon Taylor
BSc, MAIG, Gcert AppFin
Non-Executive Director
Simon Taylor is a resources industry executive with over 30 years’ experience in geology, finance and corporate management at CEO and Board levels. His direct operational and capital markets experience spans a wide range of commodities and jurisdictions including Australia, South and North America, Africa, Europe and China. In addition to his experience as a resource professional, he has advised companies at the corporate level on capital management, acquisitions, promotions and strategies to add shareholder value.
Most recently, Mr Taylor was Managing Director of Oklo Resources Limited when it was acquired by B2Gold Corp in September 2022. Currently he is a Non-Executive Director of Chesser Resources, Stellar Resources and Black Canyon Resources. Simon is a Member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists (MAIG) and a graduate of Sydney University
Peter Reid
BSc (Hons), MAIG
Chief Executive Officer
Mr Reid has over 25 years’ experience in mineral exploration. He has held senior roles with several ASX listed exploration companies. Peter has strong exploration and generative credentials, including being a part of the original Minotaur Resources team which discovered the world-class Prominent Hill copper-gold deposit and the later successful IPO spin offs of ASX listed, Mithril Resources Limited and Petratherm Limited.
He was the founding CEO of Petratherm Limited following its ASX listing in 2004, as a geothermal explorer and developer. In 2011 he received the Australian Geothermal Energy’s Association’s Chairman’s Award for his services to the Australian Geothermal Industry. He was Chairman of the Australian Geothermal Reporting Code from 2010-14.
In recent times his focus has returned back to mineral exploration establishing a geological consultancy service and undertaking other new early stage mineral exploration ventures. He was an executive board member of ASX Listed Lawson Gold Limited from July 2013 to October 2017. He is a member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists.
Barry van der Stelt
BSc (Hons)
Exploration Manager
Barry is a highly experienced geologist with over 30 years in the industry, including work in exploration, project generation, resource development and strategic planning. For the last eight years Barry has been managing the Chimera Project for Minotaur Exploration (and then Demetallica) which led to the discovery of the Jericho copper-gold deposit as well as several other significant copper-gold and base metal prospects in the region. Since the discovery of Jericho in 2017 Barry has managed significant growth in the deposit which now stands at 14.1Mt of ore grading 1.5% Cu and 0.3 g/t Au (refer to DRM ASX release 24 Oct 2022) and, with the takeover of Demetallica by AIC Mines in late 2022 Jericho is set to be the newest significant copper mining operation in Queensland.
Barry’s key involvement with the Jericho discovery, as well as being part of the Minotaur team which discovered the Prominent Hill Deposit in 2001, gives him unique knowledge on successful exploration for copper and gold in Australia’s most prospective copper domains. More broadly, Barry has worked in a range of mining jurisdictions (including 4 years in the Zambian Copperbelt as well as SA, QLD, NSW, WA and Tasmania), and for a wide variety of commodities and styles of mineralisation, including IOCG, ISCG & porphyry-style copper, copper-belt style Cu-Co, structural gold, VMS deposits, magnetite iron-ore and palaeochannel uranium exploration. Much of this work has been undertaken through joint ventures with major mining companies including OZ Minerals, Mitsubishi Corporation and Anglo American in a project management role. Barry is highly regarded in the industry, not only for his technical capability, but for his project management, outcome delivery, stakeholder relationships, team leadership and mentoring.